Terms & Conditions

This call serves to select 25 paintings from elected or life members, for the final phase of the CSPWC Royal Collection Trust Project 

The call to enter opens on September 4 and closes at 12:00 noon ET on October 23, 2024. Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance will be by email beginning November 20, 2024. 

The entry will be adjudicated by a panel of jurors viewing digital images.

The panel will be comprised of CSPWC members who have work placed in the Royal Collection Trust, through our previous two gifts, plus up to four respected outside jurors.

Terms and Conditions

Only elected or life members in good standing who are not represented in the previous two phases of the Royal Collection Project are eligible to be included in this final competition. (Previous gifts: 1986 - 60 paintings, 2000 - 15 paintings.)

To view a list of members included in the collection visit  Royal Collection Project - Wikipedia

The theme and style should reflect the creative output of the individual artist within the CSPWC definition of watercolour.

All styles and subject matter are acceptable. 

Artists may submit one image. 

Allowable media: along with transparent watercolours this call allows for water-media as follows - artist’s quality watercolour paint, watercolour ink, watercolour crayon, watercolour pencil, gouache (which can be applied transparently and opaquely). The use of a graphite drawing and India Ink is permitted. Only media listed in this definition are permissible.

Not permissible: egg tempera, casein, acrylic, water-based oils and archival felt pens, wax, fixative, varnish.

Allowable Paint Surface: archival fibre paper, watercolour paper. 

Not Permitted: Watercolour paper applied to panel, Yupo, synthetic paper or paper treated with any acrylic medium.

Application: must be by hand, brush or any tool by the artist without digital or mechanical assistance. Airbrush is not allowed.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and computer generated artwork and/or mechanically printed images will not be accepted.

All paintings must be original, created by the artist who is submitting. Paintings must not be derivative or based on the work of others, under art instruction or in any way an infringement of copyright.

Artists should refrain from cultural appropriation by respecting and refraining from unauthorized adoption of elements from cultures that are not their own.

Size of work for Royal Collection

The Royal Collection uses a specific size for exhibiting artwork collections. 

The size of the imperial mounts (frame) is exactly 20” x 27”, 50.8 x 68.6cm.

Accepted work will be submitted with a mat with the outside measurement of exactly 20” x 27”.  

With this specific frame size in mind you do have a bit of flexibility in the size of your actual painting that fits into this frame by adjusting the width of the border around the painting.

Allow at least 2.5 inches/6.5cm mat width on all sides.

The maximum dimensions of your painting is 15” x 22”, 38 x 56 cm. 

A useful minimum size of your painting would be 10” x 14”, 25 x 35 cm.

Past gifts have been landscape format (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) format. A square format should be avoided.

painting size 2


Paintings selected for the Royal Collection must be supplied with a suitable white mat and backing.

No frame or glass/plexi required.

Do not varnish or wax paintings. More details will be sent to accepted artists regarding presentation guidelines.


Only works selected for the Royal Collection will be shipped to the CSPWC. 

Shipping selected paintings to the CSPWC is the responsibility of the artist. This includes all shipping costs, brokerage fees, any taxes or duties payable and insurance.

The CSPWC will arrange and cover the costs of frames for any exhibitions in Canada and shipping artwork to the Royal Trust at Windsor Castle.

Important Information

Paintings that are selected for the Royal Collection are gifts and the artist does not receive payment. 

Artists must sign over copyright to the Royal collection Trust for works that are selected. 

The Jury and/or the Exhibition Chair reserves the right not to jury any painting which does not conform to all the rules of the competition.

If an accepted artist withdraws their work after the adjudication, the jury/committee will choose the work of an alternate artist.

If your artwork is selected for this exhibition but not delivered to the CSPWC within the specified timeframe, the jury/committee will select the work of an alternate artist.

Paintings may be archived in an online exhibition. The CSPWC reserves the right to remove any painting posted online at any time for any reason.

To view the 75 paintings previously gifted to the Royal Collection by the CSPWC, visit   www.rct.uk/collection then put an inventory number into the search box. 1986 gifts are in the ranges 926161-926220 and 2000 gifts range 933762-933776.

It is important to note that the work you submit should reflect your artist ideas, working method and style, rather than match the works already in the collection.

Entry Fee

Submission fee: $40.00 CDN    Entry fees are non-refundable

Image Requirements

Minimum of 960 pixels (on longest side)
Maximum of 1920 pixels (on longest side)
300 dpi   maximum file size of 4MB

Do not include digital watermark on submission image.

Please ensure images are cropped to show only the painting. Do not include mats, frames or backgrounds of any kind.

Deadline for entries: October 23, 2024 (4:00 pm  EST—Toronto, Ontario Canada time zone)
Notification of acceptance or non-acceptance will be by email beginning November 20, 2024. 


By submission of entry, the artist grants the CSPWC the right to use the image of the accepted work for online exhibitions, publicity, education and reference purposes.

By submission of entry, the artist grants the CSPWC to archive their work.

By submission of entry, the artist agrees to all the terms and conditions of entry as per this form.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions